My Email Account Has Been Hacked – What Do I Do

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Discovering your email account has been hacked can be scary and overwhelming. You might feel violated, worried about your personal information, or unsure of what to do next. 

And you’re not alone—recent data shows that 46% of Americans have had their password stolen in the past year, with over 75% report having personal information stolen from hacked accounts.1

If your email has been compromised, there are steps you can take to regain control and protect your information. 

How To Check If Your Email Account Has Been Hacked

Protecting your email is important, and here’s how to know if it’s been compromised.

Signs Your Email May Be Hacked

If you notice any of these signs, your account may be at risk:

  • Unusual Activity: You notice emails you didn’t send, or your password doesn’t work.
  • Missing Messages: Emails you know you received are gone.
  • Login Alerts: Your provider notifies you about logins from unfamiliar places or devices.
  • Contacts Complain: People you know receive spam from your account.
  • Account Changes: Your settings are different (like a new forwarding address).

How To Fix An Email Account That Has Been Hacked

It’s possible that you can regain control of your account. Here’s how: 

  1. Change Your Password: Choose a strong password that is difficult for others to guess. Include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Make sure to change all your passwords on applications that are connected to your email address. 
  2. Rules: Check if you have rules assigned to your inbox. If you discover rules, make sure to disable them.
  3. Check Your Account Recovery Information: Verify that your recovery email address and phone number are up-to-date and secure. If you’ve been compromised, change them to information only you can access.
  4. Scan for Malware: Run security software on your computer to find and remove harmful programs or viruses detected during the scan.
  5. Review Your Account Activity: Check your account’s “sent” and “trash” folders for any suspicious emails you didn’t send. Look for unauthorized changes to your account settings or filters.
  6. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): In addition to your password, this adds an extra layer of security (often a code sent to your phone) when you log in.
  7. Notify Your Contacts: Let your friends, family, and colleagues know that your account was compromised. Warn them about any phishing or spam emails they might receive from your account.
  8. Report to Your Email Provider: Contact your email provider’s support team to inform them of the hack. They may be able to provide additional assistance or guidance.
  9. Monitor Your Account: Keep a close eye on your account activity for any further unusual activity. Be careful clicking on links or opening attachments in emails.

Taking these steps will help you secure your email and prevent further unauthorized access.

How To Close An Email Account That Has Been Hacked

Closing a hacked email account is an important step in protecting your online security. If possible, back up important emails and contacts before closing the account. This can help you recover information later if needed. 

Then, contact your email provider to request account closure. For instance, if you’re using Gmail, you can follow specific steps to secure or delete your account. Hackers may already obtain your information but closing your account may prevent further malicious activities.

Keep in mind that good email security practices like using strong passwords, enabling 2FA, and being cautious of clicking links to suspicious emails can help prevent future breaches.


What Happens If A Hacker gets your email address?

If a hacker gets your email address, they can send you spam or phishing emails. These emails may try to trick you into giving them personal information or clicking on harmful links. They can also use your address to sign you up for unwanted services or newsletters. In some cases, hackers can use your email to access other accounts if you use the same password.

Who Do I Contact If My Email Is Hacked?

If your email is hacked, contact your email provider immediately. They can help you secure your account, change your password, and investigate any unauthorized activity. You can also report the incident to the authorities if you suspect identity theft or fraud.

Should I Delete My Email If It Was Hacked?

Deleting your email after a hack may seem like a solution, but it’s not always necessary. If you regain control of your account by changing your password and taking security measures, you can continue using it. But if the damage is extensive or you cannot regain control, deleting your email can be a last resort to protect your information.

Can I Still Secure And Recover My Hacked Business Email Accounts? 


Yes, you can secure and recover your hacked business email accounts. 2Secure offers email security strategies to protect your accounts from future attacks. Their backup and recovery services also help you restore lost or compromised data to ensure business continuity even after a security breach.

  1. America’s Password Habits: 46% Report Having their Password Stolen Over the Last Year – Forbes Advisor. (n.d.).
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